Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why I think atheists are wickety wack

Ok so I said I'd tell you guys why I think the idea that there is no God is plain stupid. First I really don't mean to offend but I'm a really logical guy and I think God left us enough clue to discover His existence at some level. So here are a couple of things that I just can't get around, that for me are His fingerprints that I can't ignore.

  1. Eternity- all by itself. The fact is there states that there must be a beginning. It all had to start somewhere. But, why and how? Let's take the scientific viewpoint and explore the Big Bang (by the way since I'm not writing a book these are my cliff's notes and won't fully explain every aspect). So there's are this material, more dense than a supernova (which by the way contains more mass than our solar system in the space of a teaspoon). STOP! Where did that come from? I mean it had to come from somewhere right? The primordial ooze had to start somewhere. I can't get past that point alone. It all had to start somewhere, which leads to the question of time. So here we are in this space in time. Why now? Why did the big bang go off when it did? I mean there was an eternal expanse before that, why then? You see, we need the wrapper of time around things or else everything just gets all wickety wack. But that wrapper actually creates the need for something to be able to step outside of it. Time can't create of itself but eternity can't exist without something that can exist in it, and we, under our laws of nature are not that.
  2. The universe- along the same lines as eternity. Where does it end? If it goes on forever to me that proves the concept of eternity which proves the need for something that can exist in it. No lie, this stuff hurts my head but it makes sense to me. If it does end then something must hold it. Even if that something is not God then that something must end, and then the something that holds that something must end, again it proves eternity. Simply put our scientific world can't figure out eternity, it can't work in our world of time. Math can't compute it.
  3. The concept of right and wrong- No matter what age or time or country there has been a known set of right and wrong that is strangely congruent with other ages, times and cultures set of right and wrong. A little less than 4,000 years ago (a really long time) Hammurabi's code was written. Many of the laws there are still relevant today. Furthermore, even Hammurabi acknowledged receiving this sense of right and wrong from a deity. The reason right and wrong are so poignant is that they aren't convenient. They aren't what we would like to do, it's what we know we ought to do. Stealing is obviously easier than working. Telling the truth can often have negative consequences. Yet in both cases we know which we ought to do and it is often at odds with what we want to do. Since right is an inconvenience it seems impossible that man would create these laws. Something outside of our convenience must have put those into place.
The combination of these powerful elements to me proves the existence of something outside our existence. Something that created us. As I said initially I don't have any trouble believing that that is Christ, God, not Allah or some other god. Based on my theology that is what is called the effectual call of the Holy Spirit. While I look at Christianity and long for it, desire it, find it beautiful (IT not the concepts or beliefs), all other religions look pale and flat and unappealing.

Let me say this in closing, I don't have it figured out. That's why I started this blog, I'm struggling and I think other people can relate to where I'm at right now. I think too, that where I'm at may help some who are still yet to be there. 

Please post a comment, argue back, ask questions, tell me where you are, but in all of this do so prayerfully. Your answer will not come from me but God.

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