Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The lost world

I was thinking that maybe this whole thing about death and dying is foreign to a lot of people. So maybe you don't struggle with your faith like that.

But, a question, do you really think people are going to hell? Do you really believe that Ghandi and Hitler are there together? Do you believe that the lifelong thief next to Christ on the Cross isn't?

Do you even begin to comprehend the immensity of eternity? A really long time by the way. FOREVER!

I think if we really believed in heaven and hell and the reality of God we'd act differently towards the lost world. If we realized that our spouse, father, uncle, neighbor would suffer for all of eternity (a really long time) how bold might we be?

In many ways our boldness there shows the depth of our real faith, that Christ and heaven and hell are all realities to us.

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